萬里加投197之5號, Wanli Dist., New Taipei City
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • check-in time: 17:00
  • check-out time: 12:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • Japanese Language Service
  • Taiwanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Parking Lot
  • Fully non-smoking
  • Nearby Convenience Store
  • Chinese restaurant
  • Coffee Shop
  • Spa
Room type& price  
Fun Room One double bed
Room Info
LCD TV (Lounge Area) 、LCD TV (Hot Spring Area)、mineral water 、coffee bags 、tea bags 、toiletries 、free Wi-Fi 、ZOD (Jacuzzi round pool).
Accommodation Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday to Thursday
Holidays: Friday to Saturday
Rest Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday23:00~ Friday23:00
Holidays: Friday23:00~ Sunday23:00
*Rest duration on weekdays is 3hours
*Rest duration on holidays is 2hours
*Cleaning fee $500 will be charged for additional bed.


NT$ 5700
NT$ 2580 up
LOHAS Room One double bed
Room Info
LCD TV (Lounge Area) 、LCD TV (Hot Spring Area)、mineral water 、coffee bags 、tea bags 、toiletries 、free Wi-Fi 、ZOD 、Double Pool Jacuzzi.
Accommodation Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday to Thursday
Holidays: Friday to Saturday
Rest Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday23:00~ Friday23:00
Holidays: Friday23:00~ Sunday23:00
*Rest duration on weekdays is 3hours
*Rest duration on holidays is 2hours
*Cleaning fee $500 will be charged for additional bed.

NT$ 5700
NT$ 2850 up
Brilliant Room One double bed
Room Info
LCD TV (Lounge Area) 、LCD TV (Hot Spring Area)、mineral water 、coffee bags 、tea bags 、toiletries 、free Wi-Fi 、ZOD 、Double Pools.
Accommodation Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday to Thursday
Holidays: Friday to Saturday
Rest Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday23:00~ Friday23:00
Holidays: Friday23:00~ Sunday23:00
*Rest duration on weekdays is 3hours
*Rest duration on holidays is 2hours
*Cleaning fee $500 will be charged for additional bed.

NT$ 5700
NT$ 2850 up
Premium Room One double bed
Room Info
LCD TV (Lounge Area) 、LCD TV (Hot Spring Area)、mineral water 、coffee bags 、tea bags 、toiletries 、free Wi-Fi 、ZOD 、Double Pools、Steam Room (Some room types).
Accommodation Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday to Thursday
Holidays: Friday to Saturday
Rest Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday23:00~ Friday23:00
Holidays: Friday23:00~ Sunday23:00
*Rest duration on weekdays is 3hours
*Rest duration on holidays is 2hours
*Cleaning fee $500 will be charged for additional bed.

NT$ 5900
NT$ 2950 up
Cozy Family Room Two Large Beds
Room Info
LCD TV (Lounge Area) 、LCD TV (Hot Spring Area)、mineral water 、coffee bags 、tea bags 、toiletries 、free Wi-Fi 、ZOD 、Double Pools.
Accommodation Price:
Room Price:$7700
Room Price on Weekdays:$3950
Room Price on Holidays:$4620
Accommodation Difference:
Weekdays: Sunday to Thursday
Holidays: Friday to Saturday

NT$ 7700
NT$ 3950 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)
Accommodation—Weekdays: Sunday-Thursday
Accommodation—Holidays: Friday-Saturday
Rest Duration is 2 hours on holidays
The definition for weekdays and holidays is on a general basis. Special holidays are not limited by the definition.
*No pets
*The Hotel serves complimentary breakfast for two and offers NT$200 restaurant coupon (to be used during the restaurant’s opening hours)
*The day you swipe your credit card online will be the invoice issuance date. Please notify the Hotel if VAT number is required to be included on the invoice.
Notice for reservation on the phone:
1.Please remit the deposit NT$1000 to the designated account in 7 days before the check-in date and give the last five digits of your account number to the Hotel for ratification. The reservation will be completed after the remittance is confirmed.
2.If the tourist needs to stay for more than one night, the deposit will be calculated in accordance with the number of days for the stay (For example: staying for two days—deposit: NT$2000; staying for three days—deposit NT$3000 and so on and so forth).
Notice for Cancelation for online reservation by credit card (based on Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Contracts for Tourist Hotels Enterprises and Hotel Enterprises and Home Stay's Individual Travelers Booking Room amended on January 24 2017 by Tourism Bureau, M.O.T.C.):
The website of Tourism Bureau is as follows:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/law/law_d.aspx?no=130&d=723
1.Cancelation in 3 days before the check-in date, 100% of the total amount will be refunded.
2.Cancelation in 1-2 days before the check-in date, 50% of the total amount will be confiscated.
3.Cancelation on the check-in date, 100% of the total amount will be confiscated.
一. 旅客需再入住前7天內,將訂金NT.1000元匯入指定帳戶,並將帳號後五碼給予業者核對,確認後完成訂房手續。
二. 旅客若需長住,訂金需依照天數計算(如:住宿2天-訂金NT.2000元、住宿3天-訂金NT.3000元...依此類推)
線上刷卡取消訂房應注意事項( 依交通部觀光局106年1月24日公告修正個別旅客訂房定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項規定辦理 ):觀光局網址如下
一. 旅客於住宿日前3日前取消訂房,房價總額全額退款。 
二. 旅客於住宿日前1-2日內取消訂房,扣房價總金額50%。 
三. 旅客於住宿當日取消訂房,扣房價總金額100%。
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