Central Dist,Taichung City 400,Taiwan (R.O.C.), Central Dist., Taichung City
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • Weekday check-in time: 15:00
  • Weekday check-out time: 12:00
  • Holidays check-in time: 16:00
  • Holidays check-out time: 11:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • English Language Service
  • Taiwanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Fully non-smoking
  • Nearby Convenience Store
  • Coffee Shop
  • Shopping Street
Room type& price  
Standard Double Room One double bed
Room Info
State of art design and carefully selected furniture will take away all your fatigue.
In-room Amenities:
Wireless internet for the whole hotel
42" LED Television (with cable TV)
Shower room
Tea bags
Body wash
Luggage storage in the lobby


NT$ 3200
NT$ 1480 up
Economic Double Room One double bed or two single beds
Room Info

This is only room in the hotel that has two types of beds, you will definitely enjoy the

elegant color with simple straight-forward furniture design and high-quality video
and sound system.
In-room Amenities:
Wireless internet for the whole hotel
42" LED Television (with cable TV)
Shower room
Tea bags
Body wash
Luggage store in the lobby


NT$ 3600
NT$ 1680 up
Elegant Double Room One double bed
Room Info

Facing Taichung Station business circle you have the entire city under your feet. It is

equipped with large size bed to rejuvenate your soul from the day of hard working
In-room Amenities:
Wireless internet for the whole hotel
42" LED Television (with cable TV)
Shower room
Tea bags
Body wash
Luggage storage in the lobby

NT$ 3800
NT$ 1780 up
Family Room Two double bed
Room Info
Complete furniture and bright design allows you to fully enjoy your precious time
with family and prepare for next days' trip.
In-room Amenities:
Wireless internet for the whole hotel
42" LED Television (with cable TV)
Shower room
Tea bags
Body Wash
Luggage storage in the lobby

NT$ 5500
NT$ 2400 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)

全館無供應早餐 , 營業時間 08:00 ~ 23:00

無提供汽 、機車停車場


全館禁止攜帶寵物      敬請見諒


*如果您的信用卡有經過3D驗證,請選擇動態認證密碼,並按下取的認證碼,您的發卡銀行將會發送簡訊至您的 手機,填寫完成後按下送出即可完成訂房。
*訂房成功後畫面會跳至訂房成功的頁面,若未跳到訂房成功頁面,請至飯店網站→線上訂房→已訂購訂單資 料即可進行登錄查詢訂單的狀況,如果未查詢到訂單請與飯店聯絡。

The date & time indicated at our official website refers to Taipei Standard Time (GMT+8).
*If you cancel your reservation 14 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will receive full refund of your deposit.
*If you cancel your reservation 10~13 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 70% of your deposit.
*If you cancel your reservation 7~9 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 50% of your deposit. *If you cancel your reservation 4~6 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 40% of your deposit. *If you cancel your reservation 2~3 days prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 30% of your deposit. *If you cancel your reservation one day prior to your desired check-in date, you will be refunded 20% of your deposit. *If you cancel your reservation on your desired check-in date, you will be charged the full rate of accommodation.

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