淡海路176號, Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • check-in time: 16:00
  • check-out time: 12:30
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
Room type& price  
Standard Double Room Queen size bed (Sleeps 2 people)
Room Info
*for 2 guest(s)
*1 Double bed(s)
*Meal Service: Complimentary Breakfast for 2
*TWD 300 for additional guest sharing existing bed. Charge to be paid upon check-in. Breakfast included. Toiletries & Beddings included.
*Room with window
*Service Charge & Taxes included.
In-room wireless internet access / Toiletries / Carpet Floor / Shower room (without bathtub) / Complimentary Bottled Water / Cable TV Programs / Bathroom (with bathtub) / LCD TV / Hairdryer

NT$ 5200
NT$ 1760 up
Deluxe Double Room Queen size bed (Sleeps 2 people)
Room Info

*for 2 guest(s)
*1 Double bed(s)
*Room Size:37.9 sq.m (414 sq.ft)
*Meal Service: Complimentary Breakfast for 2
*TWD 300 for additional guest sharing existing bed. Charge to be paid upon check-in. Breakfast included. Toiletries & Beddings included.
*Room with window
*Service Charge & Taxes included.

In-room wireless internet access  / Toiletries / Bathroom TV / Complimentary Bottled Water / Cable TV Programs / Bathroom (with bathtub) / LCD TV / Hairdryer / Tile Floor

NT$ 6000
NT$ 2900 up
Standard Quated Room 2 large beds
Room Info
*for 4 guest(s)
*2 Double bed(s)
*Meal Service: Complimentary Breakfast for 4
*TWD 300 for additional guest sharing existing bed. Charge to be paid upon check-in. Breakfast included. Toiletries & Beddings included.
*Room with window
*Service Charge & Taxes included.
In-room wireless internet access / Toiletries / Bathroom TV / Complimentary Bottled Water / Cable TV Programs / Bathroom (with bathtub) / LCD TV / Hairdryer / Tile Floor

NT$ 6000
NT$ 3260 up
Deluxe Quated Room 2 large beds
Room Info

*for 4 guest(s)
*2 Full Bed(s) (156cm X 186cm)
*Room Size:39.6 sq.m (432 sq.ft)
*Meal Service: Complimentary Breakfast for 4
*TWD 300 for additional guest sharing existing bed. Charge to be paid upon check-in. Breakfast included. Toiletries & Beddings included.
*Room with window / City View / Ocean View
*Service Charge & Taxes included.

In-room wireless internet access / Toiletries / Bathroom TV / In-room wired internet access / Complimentary Bottled Water / Cable TV Programs / Bathroom (with bathtub) / Separate Shower and Washlet / LCD TV / Hairdryer / Tile Floor

NT$ 8000
NT$ 3960 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)
一、入住手續(Check in)
本飯店接受辦理入住時間(Check-in)為16:00後(請見房間介紹說明;最晚保留時間(keep the room on the latest time):18:00),訂房者請出示「訂房成功單」及「身份證件」以便辦理。
三、退房手續(Check out)
本飯店退房時間(Check-out)為 (中午12:30前),訂房者與飯店之其他交易﹝如續住、加床、餐費、小費、電話費...等﹞所發生之費用,必須與飯店現場結清。
訂房者應於 入住前2日 (不含入住當日)提出申辦,如未提出申辦不得異動訂單。
訂房者因故辦理訂單異動,本飯店可接受 保留住宿權益3個月 (限原訂飯店),異動完成後不得辦理取消退款。(提出申辦日為保留起算日)

If force majeure such as typhoons, earthquakes and other natural disasters are occur on the date of reservation, cancellation or changes may be made. The deposit may be returned in full or its usage may be postponed, for up to 3 months.

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