經貿東路111號, Beitun Dist., Taichung City
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • check-in time: 21:00
  • check-out time: 12:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • English Language Service
  • Taiwanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Fully non-smoking
  • Nearby Convenience Store
Room type& price  
Economics and Business One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment  / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 4680
NT$ 2080 up
Featured Business One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment / European bubble massage bathtub / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 5180
NT$ 2380 up
Light Series One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment / European bubble massage bathtub / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 6780
NT$ 2410 up
Extreme Series One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment / European bubble massage bathtub / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 7780
NT$ 2680 up
Aurora theme One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment / European bubble massage bathtub / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 8080
NT$ 3080 up
Legend Series One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment / European bubble massage bathtub / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 9280
NT$ 3280 up
Situation series One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment / European bubble massage bathtub / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 9280
NT$ 3680 up
Aurora Series One Double Bed
Room Info

VOD Movie Watching System / Imported Hilker bedding from Germany / V&B high class bathroom equipment / European bubble massage bathtub / cable TV channels / Panasonic 58-inch LCD TV / Panasonic negative ion hairdryer / free WIFI / HOMESUN NCF / natural mineral water / brown rice green tea pack / mountain golden oolong tea pack / coffee drip pack

NT$ 11980
NT$ 3980 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)
*如果您的信用卡有經過3D驗證,請選擇動態認證密碼,並按下取的認證碼,您的發卡銀行將會發送簡訊至您的 手機,填寫完成後按下送出即可完成訂房。
*訂房成功後畫面會跳至訂房成功的頁面,若未跳到訂房成功頁面,請至飯店網站→線上訂房→已訂購訂單資 料即可進行登錄查詢訂單的狀況,如果未查詢到訂單請與飯店聯絡。

Cancellation and Room Change Policy

★100% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 1 days before the check-in date.
★50% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 2 - 3 days before the check-in date.
★30% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 5 days before the check-in date.
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