中正路250號, Yuchi Township, Nantou County
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • check-in time: 15:00
  • check-out time: 11:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • English Language Service
  • Japanese Language Service
  • Taiwanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Fully non-smoking
  • Chinese restaurant
  • Coffee Shop
  • Living Room Bar
  • Washing Machine
Room type& price  
Princess One Double Bed
Room Info
❖ Guestroom
Imported bedding, coffee bags or tea bags 
❖ Bathroom/ Sanitary conditions
Private shower, hair dryer, toiletries, washcloths, towels
❖ Equipment and facilities
Free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning/heating system, large LCD TV, fridge, telephone, RFID key card
❖ Services
Free wireless network,local partner merchant coupons
The balance of the room fee can only be paid in cash.

NT$ 8800
NT$ 2990 up
Eco-friendly Double Room One Double Bed
Room Info

NT$ 8800
NT$ 2990 up
Duke One Double Bed
Room Info
❖ Guestroom
Imported bedding, coffee bags or tea bags 
❖ Bathroom/ Sanitary conditions
Private shower, hair dryer, toiletries, washcloths, towels
❖ Equipment and facilities
Free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning/heating system, large LCD TV, fridge, telephone, RFID key card
❖ Services
Free wireless network,local partner merchant coupons
The balance of the room fee can only be paid in cash.

NT$ 8800
NT$ 3090 up
Prince One Double Bed
Room Info
❖ Guestroom
Imported bedding, coffee bags or tea bags 
❖ Bathroom/ Sanitary conditions
Private shower, hair dryer, toiletries, washcloths, towels
❖ Equipment and facilities
Free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning/heating system, large LCD TV, fridge, telephone, RFID key card
❖ Services
Free wireless network,local partner merchant coupons
The balance of the room fee can only be paid in cash.

NT$ 8800
NT$ 3190 up
King & Queen A Two Single Beds
Room Info
❖ Guestroom
Imported bedding, coffee bags or tea bags 
❖ Bathroom/ Sanitary conditions
Private shower, hair dryer, toiletries, washcloths, towels
❖ Equipment and facilities
Free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning/heating system, large LCD TV, fridge, telephone, RFID key card
❖ Services
Free wireless network,local partner merchant coupons
The balance of the room fee can only be paid in cash.

NT$ 11800
NT$ 4490 up
Environmentally friendly quadruple room Two Single Beds
Room Info

NT$ 8800
NT$ 4490 up
Double Room One Double Bed
Room Info

NT$ 8800
NT$ 4840 up
Quadruple room Two Single Beds
Room Info

NT$ 10800
NT$ 6490 up
King & Queen B Two Single Beds
Room Info
❖ Guestroom
Imported bedding, coffee bags or tea bags 
❖ Bathroom/ Sanitary conditions
Private shower, hair dryer, toiletries, washcloths, towels
❖ Equipment and facilities
Free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning/heating system, large LCD TV, fridge, telephone, RFID key card
❖ Services
Free wireless network,local partner merchant coupons


NT$ 10800
NT$ 7040 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)
1.In order to offer excellent accommodation quality and lodging space, our hotel does not offer extra beds, and the maximum number extra persons that can be added per room is one. The price is NTD 1000/adult and no charge for children under 120cm. The listed price doesn't include breakfast and toiletries. 
2.Definition of normal days and holidays, and charging standards
▪ Normal day: Sunday to Thursday
▪ Rest day and weekend: Friday, Saturday and national holidays
▪ Peak period: consecutive holidays -  holidays which include two or more consecutive holidays
▪ Hotel accommodation charges during the Chinese New Year period are based on the fixed price tariff.
*如果您的信用卡有經過3D驗證,請選擇動態認證密碼,並按下取的認證碼,您的發卡銀行將會發送簡訊至您的 手機,填寫完成後按下送出即可完成訂房。

Cancellation and Room Change Policy
★100% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation on the check-in date.
★80% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 1 days before the check-in date.
★70% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 2 - 3 days before the check-in date.
★60% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 4 - 6 days before the check-in date.
★50% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 7 - 9 days before the check-in date.
★30% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 10 - 13 days before the check-in date.
★0% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 14 days (including 14 days) before the check-in date.
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