1.Check-in time is 17:00. (If you arrive early and the room is ready, you can enter the room early)
2.Check-out time is 12:00. Other consumption in the hotel such as: "continued stay, extra time, extra person, extra bed fee...etc" must be settled on the spot on the same day.
3.The reserved room is reserved until 24:00. If the time is exceeded, this order will be processed as No Show with a 100% deposit. If you cannot check in before 24:00 for some reason, you must contact the hotel in advance, and remit the rent balance to the hotel account by remittance/transfer before 24:00 on the day of check-in, so that the room can be hold for you.
4.Cancellation of the order shall be handled in accordance with the cancellation of the finalized contract 14 days before the Tourist Bureau! (Please refer to the notes below).
Change the order, after the website reservation is successful, if you change the date, please cancel the order and make a new reservation. If the order is changed between the 3rd and 14th of the check-in date, the change can only be made once, and the order after the change cannot be canceled or refunded. The order after the change must be calculated according to the price of the day, and the price of the original order will not be refunded / less will be charged.