No.15, Ln. 57, Chongyang Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan, Nangang Dist., Taipei City
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • Weekday check-in time: 18:00
  • Weekday check-out time: 12:00
  • Holidays check-in time: 20:00
  • Holidays check-out time: 12:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • English Language Service
  • Japanese Language Service
  • Taiwanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Parking Lot
  • Nearby Convenience Store
Room type& price  
Room Info
【Room Facilities】
Pressure release mattress and bed set / independent air-conditioning system (heating and air conditioning) / fast broadband Internet / wifi / romantic fun equipments / VOD on-demand video / Private garage / anti-pinhole detection system / bathroom exclusive TV / spa steam bath / flower shower and Vichy bath / Jacuzzi tub / anion spa equipment
● Notes: Rooms are for two only (welcome small families), we do not allow visitors, if there is any visitor, please go to 【Café on the first floor】No pets allowed.
● Check-in time on weekdays: after 18:00; check-in time on holidays: after 20:00; you could use the room after 00:00. You can use the room for 12 hours.
● Every room of this hotel is equipped with one garage.

NT$ 6200
NT$ 2480 up
Room Info
【Room Facilities】
Pressure release mattress and bed set / independent air-conditioning system (heating and air conditioning) / fast broadband Internet / wifi / romantic fun equipments / VOD on-demand video / Private garage / anti-pinhole detection system / bathroom exclusive TV / spa steam bath / flower shower and Vichy bath / Jacuzzi tub / anion spa equipment
● Notes: Rooms are for two only (welcome small families), we do not allow visitors, if there is any visitor, please go to 【Café on the first floor】No pets allowed.
● Check-in time on weekdays: after 18:00; check-in time on holidays: after 20:00; you could use the room after 00:00. You can use the room for 12 hours.
● Every room of this hotel is equipped with one garage.

NT$ 6950
NT$ 2580 up
Room Info
【Room Facilities】
Pressure release mattress and bed set / independent air-conditioning system (heating and air conditioning) / fast broadband Internet / wifi / romantic fun equipments / VOD on-demand video / Private garage / anti-pinhole detection system / bathroom exclusive TV / spa steam bath / flower shower and Vichy bath / Jacuzzi tub / anion spa equipment
● Notes: Rooms are for two only (welcome small families), we do not allow visitors, if there is any visitor, please go to 【Café on the first floor】No pets allowed.
● Check-in time on weekdays: after 18:00; check-in time on holidays: after 20:00; you could use the room after 00:00. You can use the room for 12 hours.
● Every room of this hotel is equipped with one garage.

NT$ 7450
NT$ 2980 up
NOBLE ROOMS One Double Bed
Room Info
【Room Facilities】
Pressure release mattress and bed set / independent air-conditioning system (heating and air conditioning) / fast broadband Internet / wifi / romantic fun equipments / VOD on-demand video / Private garage / anti-pinhole detection system / bathroom exclusive TV / spa steam bath / flower shower and Vichy bath / Jacuzzi tub / anion spa equipment
● Notes: Rooms are for two only (welcome small families), we do not allow visitors, if there is any visitor, please go to 【Café on the first floor】No pets allowed.
● Check-in time on weekdays: after 18:00; check-in time on holidays: after 20:00; you could use the room after 00:00. You can use the room for 12 hours.
● Every room of this hotel is equipped with one garage.

NT$ 8200
NT$ 3080 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)
▲ 本館每房限住兩人(歡迎小家庭同遊)。
▲ 若有訪客請至【一樓咖啡廳】 本館禁帶寵物進入。 
▲ 平日住房時間18:00以後,假日住房時間:20:00以後,晚間12點後進房,住房時間則以12小時為限。
▲ 特定假日入住時間,以飯店規定為準。
▲ 本館皆為一房一車庫。
▴ 如因颱風或地震等天然災害或不可抗力之因素時,若發布警報,訂金可全額退還或延期三個月。
▴ 取消訂房:請通知訂房組,由承辦之訂房人員取消訂房,以確定完成訂房取消作業。


Cancellation and Room Change Policy
★100% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation on the check-in date.
★80% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 1 days before the check-in date.
★70% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 2 - 3 days before the check-in date.
★60% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 4 - 6 days before the check-in date.
★50% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 7 - 9 days before the check-in date.
★30% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 10 - 13 days before the check-in date.
★0% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 14 days (including 14 days) before the check-in date.
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