博愛路607號, Fengshan Dist., Kaohsiung City
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • check-in time: 15:00
  • check-out time: 12:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • Taiwanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Parking Lot
  • Washing Machine
Room type& price  
Exquisite Suite One double bed
Room Info
.Bed: One large bed
.Additional bed: none
.Additional guest: available for one more guest.
.Floor: wooden floor
.Bathroom: with bathtub
.Windows: Yes
Equipped with comfortable beds, complete showering facilities, toiletries, TV, closet, dresser, telephone, refrigerator, and other facilities, the Hotel makes you at home by providing clean and elegant accommodation environment. No matter you are on business trip or vacation, it is your best choice.

NT$ 3080
NT$ 1380 up
Exquisite Suite One double bed
Room Info
.Bed: One large bed
.Additional bed: none
.Additional guest: available for one more guest.
.Floor: wooden floor
.Bathroom: with bathtub
.Windows: Yes
Equipped with comfortable beds, complete showering facilities, toiletries, TV, closet, dresser, telephone, refrigerator, and other facilities, the Hotel makes you at home by providing clean and elegant accommodation environment. No matter you are on business trip or vacation, it is your best choice.

NT$ 3180
NT$ 1480 up
Triple Suite One double bed+One single bed
Room Info
.Bed: One large and one small beds
.Additional bed: none
.Additional guest: available for one more guest.
.Floor: wooden floor
.Bathroom: with bathtub
.Windows: Yes
Equipped with comfortable beds, complete showering facilities, toiletries, TV, closet, dresser, telephone, refrigerator, and other facilities, the Hotel makes you at home by providing clean and elegant accommodation environment. No matter you are on business trip or vacation, it is your best choice.

NT$ 3680
NT$ 1880 up
Deluxe Suite One double bed
Room Info
.Bed: One large bed
.Additional bed: none
.Additional guest: available for one more guest.
.Floor: wooden floor
.Bathroom: with bathtub
.Windows: Yes
Equipped with comfortable beds, complete showering facilities, toiletries, TV, closet, dresser, telephone, refrigerator, and other facilities, the Hotel makes you at home by providing clean and elegant accommodation environment. No matter you are on business trip or vacation, it is your best choice.

NT$ 3680
NT$ 1880 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)
. Check in: Weekdays (Monday-Thursday): after 15:00; holidays (Friday-Sunday, long holidays): after 15:00
  latest check-in time: 23:00
. Check out: before 12:00
. Please inform the receptionist at the front desk if you need to stay for more than 2 days to better facilitate the process. Thank you.
. Complimentary buffet breakfast in Chinese and western styles.
  Vegetarian meals are available. (opening hours: 7:00 am-9:00 am).
. Additional guest: NT$350/person, including breakfast and amenities (one more guest for each room only)
. Additional guest during Chinese New Year: adult: NT$600/person; children under sixth grade: NT$400/person, including breakfast and amenities.
. The room provides all channels of cable TV
. Accepting credit cards: VISA, Master, JCB, U Card
. Please understand that the Hotel does not accept boarders with pets. Thank you.
※Deposit for reservation: 30% of the total amount
※Percentage of the returned deposit for cancelation
14 days: 100%
10-13 days: 70%
7-9 days: 50%
4-6 days: 40%
2-3 days: 30%
1 day:20%
No refund for cancelation on the check-in date.
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