彰水路31號, Changhua City, Changhua County
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • Weekday check-in time: 18:00
  • Weekday check-out time: 12:00
  • Holidays check-in time: 21:00
  • Holidays check-out time: 12:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • Taiwanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Business Information
  • Parking Lot
  • Nearby Convenience Store
  • Chinese restaurant
  • Coffee Shop
  • Conference Hall
  • Living Room Bar
Room type& price  
Monarch One double bed
Room Info
Changhua Kuei Kuan Motel—Monarch Room: The elevator goes directly to the door of the room on the 3rd floor. It is equipped with SPA Jacuzzi and milk bath, a nano technology providing ultra micro bubble bath with water containing rich oxygen enhancing metabolism. The room also contains different SPA facilities and naural green views. With its broad indoor space and rich facilities, you can enjoy more physically and mentally. The Motel is exquisitely built beyond the guests’ expectations. Designed in different themes for holidays, the Motel creates a wonderland for the guests. The building is specifically combined with the idea of green architecture, ingeniously blending sunshine, air, water and plants in the overall planning. A large number of colorful natural flowers and trees grown in the Motel present a free and relaxing space. The guest can appreciate the  natural landscape in the room and breath in the air as fresh as that in the forest.
With the 7-9 meters wide glass windows and 6-13 meters high patio, the air  is automatically convected and the sun shines naturally indoors. The room adapts to the temperature, brings in sunshine, and is well-ventilated and moisture proof. With grooves carved out of the bathroom floor paved with marble, the room is also equipped with thermal floor. Other thoughtful design includes landscape hot spring pool, Vichy shower, backwash spa, headtop spa, 、spa, milk bath, steam Jacuzzi, etc., so that the guest can be relaxed physically, mentally and spiritually. It is enjoyable and pleasing to appreciate the view at the lounge. Receiving honorable and premium services from head to top, you can enjoy each facility with a good story to tell. 
The design and facilities vary in the rooms of the same level. Please base on what is available on the site.

NT$ 9995
NT$ 3280 up
Laurel One double bed
Room Info
Changhua Kuei Kuan Motel—Laurel Room: Based on different designs of the room, it is equipped with a 6 or 13 meters high patio. The room contains green plants in the bathroom and the room. It contains a luxurious and spacious bathroom  with a Jacuzzi and milk bath, a nano technology providing ultra micro bubble bath with water containing rich oxygen enhancing metabolism. If the room does not include milk bath, it will be equipped with other SPA facilities. The Motel is exquisitely built beyond the guests’ expectations. Designed in different themes for holidays, the Motel creates a wonderland for the guests. The building is specifically combined with the idea of green architecture, ingeniously blending sunshine, air, water and plants in the overall planning. A large number of colorful natural flowers and trees grown in the Motel present a free and relaxing space. The guest can appreciate the  natural landscape in the room and breath in the air as fresh as that in the forest. 
With the 7-9 meters wide glass windows and 6-13 meters high patio, the air  is automatically convected and the sun shines naturally indoors. The room adapts to the temperature, brings in sunshine, and is well-ventilated and moisture proof. With grooves carved out of the bathroom floor paved with marble, the room is also equipped with thermal floor. Other thoughtful design includes landscape hot spring pool, Vichy shower, backwash spa, headtop spa, 、spa, milk bath, steam Jacuzzi, etc., so that the guest can be relaxed physically, mentally and spiritually. It is enjoyable and pleasing to appreciate the view at the lounge. Receiving honorable and premium services from head to top, you can enjoy each facility with a good story to tell.
The design and facilities vary in the rooms of the same level. Please base on what is available on the site.

NT$ 9995
NT$ 2980 up
Premium One double bed
Room Info
Changhua Kuei Kuan Motel—Premium Room: It provides cozy and intimate atmosphere. With the 9 meters high patio and 6 meters high green view, you would feel close to nature. Some of the Premium Rooms provide milk bath, , a nano technology providing ultra micro bubble bath with water containing rich oxygen enhancing metabolism. If the room does not include milk bath, it will be equipped with other SPA facilities. Take your beloved soul mate for a sweet and romantic night in Changhua! 
The Motel is exquisitely built beyond the guests’ expectations. Designed in different themes for holidays, the Motel creates a wonderland for the guests. The building is specifically combined with the idea of green architecture, ingeniously blending sunshine, air, water and plants in the overall planning. A large number of colorful natural flowers and trees grown in the Motel present a free and relaxing space. The guest can appreciate the  natural landscape in the room and breath in the air as fresh as that in the forest.
With the 7-9 meters wide glass windows and 6-13 meters high patio, the air  is automatically convected and the sun shines naturally indoors. The room adapts to the temperature, brings in sunshine, and is well-ventilated and moisture proof. With grooves carved out of the bathroom floor paved with marble, the room is also equipped with thermal floor. Other thoughtful design includes landscape hot spring pool, Vichy shower, backwash spa, headtop spa, 、spa, milk bath, steam Jacuzzi, etc., so that the guest can be relaxed physically, mentally and spiritually. It is enjoyable and pleasing to appreciate the view at the lounge. Receiving honorable and premium services from head to top, you can enjoy each facility with a good story to tell.
The design and facilities vary in the rooms of the same level. Please base on what is available on the site.

NT$ 9995
NT$ 2680 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)
✦ Weekdays: Sunday-Friday
✦ Holidays: Saturday and national holidays
✦ Check in time: weekdays: 19:00, but on Friday: after 22:00. Holidays: after 22:00
✦ Check out time: 12:00 pm (If the guest checks in after 1:00 am, the check out time is 12 hours after the check-in time).
✦ The boarders can have complimentary buffet breakfast at the restaurant on the 2F.
✦ The TV in the room contains all channels of cable TV, ZOD, and network.
✦ The Motel accepts payment by credit card.
✦ To maintain service quality, no pets in the Motel.
✦ Each room is for two guests only. Additional guest is charged NT$500/person.
■ 0歲~6歲,不加床。
( 不加床之情況下,可免費與大人同住。 )
■ 7歲以上(或身高超過120公分之孩童),需加收費用。(飯店現場收費)
含早餐及備品,NT $ 500/一名。
■ 禁止攜帶寵物入住,導盲犬除外。
※ 延期或取消訂房說明:
※ 天然災害或不可抗拒之因素時說明


Cancellation and Room Change Policy
★100% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation on the check-in date.
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