德陽村仁愛路33號, Yilan County, Jiaoxi Township
What date would you like to go?
Booking Info
Payment Method:
check in / check out:
  • check-in time: 15:00
  • check-out time: 11:00
Service facilities
  • Chinese Language Service
  • Japanese Language Service
  • Free Internet Access
  • Parking Lot
  • Accessibility
  • Intelligent shower toilet
  • Nearby Convenience Store
  • Spa
Room type& price  
Deluxe Double Room One Double Bed
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$4000 up
Deluxe Quadruple Room Two Double Beds
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$5000 up
Theme Quadruple Room Two Double Beds
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$5500 up
Admimistration Quadruple Room One Double Bed
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$7000 up
Family Double Room One Double Bed
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$4000 up
Family Double Room One Double Bed
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$4000 up
Family Quadruple Room Two Double Beds
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$5500 up
Family Quadruple Room Two Double Beds
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$5500 up
Family Quadruple Room Two Double Beds
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$5500 up
Family Quadruple Room Two Double Beds
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$5500 up
Family Quadruple Room Two Double Beds
Room Info
防盜電子鎖 化妝台/熱水壺/室內拖鞋/吹風機 環保靜音冰箱/智能電視/床頭櫃 水蜜桃紅茶/英式紅茶/即溶式咖啡/高質感水杯/知名品牌礦泉水 高級免治馬桶/木製水瓢/獨立衛浴設備/大浴池/沐浴洗髮精組/乾溼分離 免付費公共WIFI/冷暖恆溫空調
NT$5500 up
Booking Notice(Please check the booking Step & Notice before your booking)

Cancellation and Room Change Policy
★100% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation on the check-in date.
★80% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 1 days before the check-in date.
★70% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 2 - 3 days before the check-in date.
★60% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 4 - 6 days before the check-in date.
★50% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 7 - 9 days before the check-in date.
★30% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 10 - 13 days before the check-in date.
★0% of the prepaid amount will be deducted for cancellation in 14 days (including 14 days) before the check-in date.
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